Largest Number Contest

This is the nth edition of *drum rolls* Pop Quizz! A quizz in which the answers are not obvious and if it is obvious, and you get it wrong, you are rebuked at!!!

Occasionally, I will occasionally ask a question, and the reader will answer them! For every wrong answer, I will consider one of your comments a spam. Ha! See how you like that suckers! (I am kidding, of course) Sometimes, a wrong answer won’t invite rage, some really obvious one will, and you will be called an idiot if you can’t answer the obvious one. In fact, I may have to make an extra page on my blog for the lists of idiots. 🙂

0 Today’s pop quiz is not a question. Oh nop. It is a contest between you and I! ^_^ It is to see who can write the largest numbers in 15 seconds! By the way, it is on paper, just so you know. Oh, and things like this don’t count: one more than the other guy, infinity, ubberinfinity, etc. It has to be the standard math notaion! If you don’t, not only did you lose, you have lost all dignity of yourself, and will be considered a moron by yours truly. So, get ready, get set, go! (my answer is below the fold)





So, wanna see my answer? Here goes…


*drum rolls*






My anser on paper is this: 9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9 I piled exponents over exponents, so I win!!!! (probably) Look, even if you wrote this in 15 seconds: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999





You still lost. Piling exponents over exponents gets large very quickly. In fact, the number I wrote is not physically possible to write all of its digits, for the number of digits it has exceeds the number of every fundamental particles in the universe, and way way more. It exceeds the volume of the universe if measured in nanometers, and even if you counted all of the particles every second of the universe for the universe’s current lifetime, 13.7 billion years, it still exceeds that (I think… I am sure by 90%). See? Told you I would win. ^_^ (unless you knew about this too)

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